Thank you for visiting, I developed the idea for this this website because I wanted to do some good in the world and give something back. But at the same time spread some love and cheer with other people.
I would like to build a community. So just by doing a gesture for one person and giving that person a card, who can then comment on this website and then pass on a gesture to another person, who then, in turn, they can do the same and so on. If with each gesture a card is given and each person adds a comment we can build it into a massive community that may spread all over the world.
The first card was given out in Peterborough Cambridgeshire, so let’s see how far it can spread. I am giving away free cards so please hit the join us button fill in your details and I will happily send some cards for you to give out when you have passed on a gesture.
– Thank you, Dominic Ricciardi,

Our Kindness
Why Do A Random Act of Kindness?
We all feel good when someone does something nice for us. This may be as simple as opening a door, carrying a bag, or a driver being considerate on the road. It could also be a grander gesture, such as a thoughtful gift, a great act of service, or a surprise party.
Whatever the kind act, the important thing is how it made us feel! Receiving kindness can inspire positive feelings like gratitude, happiness, and confidence.
But did you know that giving acts of kindness can be as beneficial as receiving them? It can increase the production of ‘happy hormones’ in our bloodstream, boost feelings of contentment, reduce stress, and even improve health concerns like high blood pressure and depression.
In uncertain periods, a random act of kindness — whether for a stranger, or someone we know — can help them feel supported, positive, and less alone.
This is important because loneliness in the modern world is on the rise, along with conditions like stress, burnout, and depression. A simple random act of kindness can be a ray of sunshine in someone’s life, especially if they are going through a difficult time, but even just to cheer them up a bit out of the blue!

Good For Them — Good For You
Truly, there has never been a better time to get involved and give a random act of kindness.
Random acts of kindness are great for you, and great for the person who receives them. It’s a win-win situation that helps you both feel positive, even if you give the gift of kindness anonymously, or don’t necessarily see the result.
Both types of random acts of kindness — whether you see the result or do not, and whether you are thanked or not — have the same result: feelings of wellbeing, positivity and optimism, along with their associated health benefits.
What’s also great is that anyone can get involved. Random acts of kindness don’t need to be expensive, time consuming or inconvenient. They can be as big or as small as you like. As long as the act is motivated by kindness and a wish to benefit others, then it counts!
Random acts of kindness can set a good example for a kind and supportive community. They often make the receiver want to perform their own random act of kindness too — resulting in an ongoing chain of giving and kindness that can benefit a huge number of people!
You can get started today. Why not look through our website for ideas and inspiration for Random Acts of Kindness that you can do, and then get involved?
If you’ve given or received a random act of kindness, we’d also love to hear from you! Please leave a comment below to let us know about your random act of kindness; whether it’s something which has been done for you, or something which you’ve done for someone else.
Want to receive a card through the mail which you can give to someone when you do something nice for them, so they can then pass it on to someone else in turn? Let us know below, and we’ll be in touch!