Our Ideas

Let's see how we deal with it

Know This First

Our Specialties

If it’s motivated by a desire to help, almost anything can be a Random Act of Kindness! It can be a gift, a compliment, a chore done on someone’s behalf…the only limit is your imagination! But it can still be hard to know where to begin.

That’s why we have compiled a few simple ideas to get you started. Feel free to use these tips as inspiration, and add any twists of your own. You can tailor the act of kindness to suit the person you know, or do something that is completely your own invention. The choice is yours!

Don’t forget that the scale of the gesture itself does not matter. It can be large or small — suiting the time or budget that you have. It doesn’t need to be expensive – so get creative!

Acts of Kindness Online

If you have enjoyed something online — perhaps a YouTube video, an Instagram post, a Facebook status or a blog post — leave a positive comment telling the creator. Content creation can be time-consuming and stressful, especially when online bullying is rife. A positive comment can really make a difference.

Donate online to your favourite cause. Even small donations to your favourite charity, a new cause, or another fundraiser can make a big impact overall. You can choose something that means a lot to you, make a donation in someone’s name, or even donate to someone else’s favourite charity as a gift.

Share positive and uplifting messages on your own social media channels. This is an act of kindness because someone reading their social media feed can be positively impacted by your words. Messages of hope, positivity and humour are also highly beneficial to our mental wellbeing.

Acts of Kindness at Home

Do a chore for someone that you know they dislike, or that they may be too busy to do themselves, such as cooking, cleaning, or tidying up. For someone who loves compliments and positive affirmations, why not leave sticky notes around the house or on the fridge about the things you love about them, or their best qualities?

Spend quality time with a friend or family member over a cup of tea or snack. Sit and reminisce with an elderly relative, or take the time to really ask how they are feeling and if you can help. The act of kindness here is to create a genuine connection with someone, and to take the time to listen to them closely.

Quality Assurance

Start a charity drive, fundraiser, or event for a community cause or vulnerable group. Make the effort to connect with coworkers who are newer or who seem more shy. Invite them to activities or to lunch in the cafeteria, or ask genuine questions to get to know and involve them. Offer to assist with a project or task that has a coworker or student feeling overwhelmed.

Other acts of kindness ideas

Take out your neighbor’s bin, or bring it in

Leave a tip

Get a photo printed and sent it to a friend

Buy a book for some one that they might like or be useful to them

Download a song, and send it to  some one

Be polite on the road

Pay for the car behind you at the toll

Pay for some ones parking

Donate to a hospital or a charity maybe a small gift for the nurses/staff

Give some thing to some one who doesn’t normally get a tip, maybe a shop keeper

Send thank you cards to suppliers

Give them a positive feed back

Be kind online to people who post on social media

Run errands for people who maybe cant get out

Visit people that maybe cant get out

Chat to people on the street in your community

The list goes on and on… however you choose to express your random act of kindness, be creative, sincere, and try to focus on enjoying the process and the act, rather than on expecting a result. And Remember to give a card or send a card to everyone that you did an act for.

Please add some comments below of the acts you have done and any other ideas we can add here.
